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Contact us

Ways to reach us

We’re here to answer your questions. If you prefer to contact us by email, you can contact the appropriate department in the Email us section below. For a quicker response, please call the appropriate department directly at the number in the Department Phone, fax & mail section below, or if you need to report an emergency or incident related to one of pipelines or power facilities, please call us directly at the appropriate number in the Emergencies section below.

TransCanada Tower - Calgary


Corporate head office

450 - 1 Street S.W. Calgary, AB
Canada, T2P 5H1


1-800-661-3805     Toll-Free (North America)

Contact us

Main contact numbers

Non-emergency calls

If you have a general question call our corporate head office toll-free at 1-800-661-3805. For media-related questions, contact our Media Relations department toll-free at 1-800-608-7859. For all other questions, see our Department contacts section.



Emergency calls only

If your call is not related to an incident or emergency, call one of the Main contact numbers shown below. To report incidents or emergencies, at a TC Energy power facility or on one of our North American pipelines, please call the appropriate number below.



Gas Pipelines


Canadian Mainline
Foothills System
NGTL System
Trans Québec & Maritimes (TQM)
Coastal Gas Link

Power & Energy Solutions


Gas Storage (Edson, Crossfield)
Co-Generation (Host Facilities)

U.S. East Gas Pipelines


Columbia Gas
Hardy Storage

1-866-485-3427 Columbia Gulf

1-800-830-9865 Portland Natural Gas

U.S. Central & West: Gas Pipelines


ANR Pipeline Company
Bison Pipeline System
Gas Transmission Northwest
Great Lakes Gas
Iroquois Transmission System
North Baja
Northern Border
Tuscarora Gas Transmission


All Pipelines


El Encino-Mazatlan
SouthEast Gateway
Sur de Texas

Click or Call Before You Dig

If you’re planning to dig in North America, visit ClickBeforeYouDig.com
or call your local One-Call Centre first.


Alberta: 1-800-242-3447

British Columbia: 1-800-474-6886

Manitoba: 1-800-940-3447

Saskatchewan: 1-866-828-4888

Ontario: 1-800-400-2255

Quebec: 1-800-663-9228


All states: 811

National One-Call Directory: 1-800-by-state

Connect with us on social media

What have we been up to lately? Follow us on our social media channels for news, videos, stats and other important updates.

TC Energy Facebook: Follow us

TC Energía Facebook (Spanish): Follow us

TC Energy X: Follow us

TC Énergie X (French): Follow us

TC Energía X (Spanish): Follow us

TC Energy Jobs X: Follow us

TC Energy LinkedIn: Connect with us

YouTube: Subscribe to us

Instagram: Follow us

Email us

Choose the department you would like to email from the appropriate 'what are you asking about' category:

Employee Verification - Third-party, current or former TC Energy employees looking to verify employment.


Department phone, fax & mail

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